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How Does Chiropractic Treatment Work?
Chiropractors assess your joint movement and are able to locate joints that have stopped moving properly. When your joints stop functioning properly, there can also be associated muscle spasm and nerve irritation. Chiropractors use manipulation (we call these adjustments) where we apply a quick impulse to free up the joint.
Other treatment techniques include joint mobilisation, soft tissue work and rehabilitative exercises) i.e core strength training. We always use the techniques that will suit your condition the best and that you are most comfortable with.
What Happens on the First Visit?
We call your first visit -
This is important information which allows us to determine what stresses and strains in your life can be playing a role in causing your condition. Certain underlying medical conditions like previous surgery, arthritis, are relevant either as contributing factors to your complaint or in determining what treatment techniques are suitable for you.
We will then move on to the examination. This will focus on checking your posture, assessing your spinal joint (or other joint) movement and testing your nerve function. Muscle strength tests are used to identify areas of weakness. Blood presure readings are taken to get an overall health picture.
The nature and cause of your problem will be explained in detail (report of findings) as well as what treatment you will need (including how many treatments you are likely to need). You will also be given a chance to ask any questions you may have
If no further testing is required and your condition is suitable for chiropractic care, we will start your treatment.
*Please note that if your condition is not suitable for chiropractic care, we will refer you to the appropriate healthcare practitioner.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
This depends on how severe the problem is, how long it has been there and if there are any underlying conditions such as arthritis or previous trauma to the area. The course of treatment you need, will be discussed during your initial consultation.
Do Insurance Companies Cover Chiropractic Treatment?
Insurance companies do cover chiropractic care. Please check your policy to see if it covers chiropractic. Atlas Chiropractic is recognized by all major health insurance companies including BUPA and PPP.
Is Chiropractic Effective?
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) which is the health watchdog published a set of guidelines of which treatments were recommended for the management of acute low back pain. After assessing the effectiveness and safety of various treatment techniques, they recommended manual therapy including spinal manipulation and mobilisation offered by various professionals including chiropractors.
The Medical Research Council conducted a clinical trial and follow-
The European Commission Research Directorate General recommended that chiropractic be considered for the treatment of acute and chronic low back pain.
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© AtlasChiropractic 2010
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